Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hello, Everyone ! My Name Is Jacquelyn Wong

Hi, I am learning to talk now !!! See my mouth...........................

I know how to control both my hands now ...................................

Hahahahahahaaa................... see my " Beckham's " hair style, pretty leh !!!

I am so pretty and beautiful.........................

I love red colour.................... it's my favourite colour......................

Yellow is also another colour that I like most..............................

Hi, hi hi, everyone, see my sweet sweet smiling face .............................

Aren't I am a cute girl ?

I know how to hold my own milk bottle now .................................. see me in action...............

I like to play with my water bottle....................... and I hold my own milk bottle ....................

Wei, am I look gorgeous in blue ?

I love my hands................ and fingers.....................

Sometimes I keep quiet, when I am thinking of something.......................

I like my purple colour " jit jit " which has night glow when in dark...................

I love my this style, yellow hat, yellow skirts............................

See, my mummy and daddy is bringing me to breakfast ...............................