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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Happy Me Me

The power of our brain : What you think will surely comes true ...................

Mummy says : I am a happy girl, happy baby !!!! Yes, I am !!!

I laugh until can't stop every morning when I wake up ................................

This is my " pai seh " look ..........................

This is my " doubt doubt " look ........................

Ok, my blur blur go away liao .................. time to wake up loh !!!!

I wake up liao, until all my hairs also up up liao loh !!!!

After a few rounds of rolling over sessions, my hair back to the shape again ................

I am curious about everything around me ....................

Expert says : Licking fingers means I am developing my " touching " and " feeling " senses................. I am getting know what is called " touch ", " pain ", " feel " and etc .............. so, please don't stop me doing this ......................

When I become bigger, I am getting know what is happy and fun. I laugh when I am happy and I cry when I want something ......................... crying to get something ? Is this the right way to communicate ????

Hmmmm................... I think not lah, I shouldn't cry when I want to get something, I am learning how to communicate with the people around patient ya ............

Wow ! My hair is really long now......................

My face is real big like a big round pie in this photo.......................

Hey, yoh !!! I am coming to get the camera now ..........................

This is " Ru-I Oil " !!! It is very useful ...................................
Bye for now, I am going to take shower now. " Happy Happy Showering ! Happy Happy Bathing "

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