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Monday, January 10, 2011

See The Real Little Princess In Action

The little princess Baby Jacquelyn is now sharpening her walking skill, she can walk pretty good and stable by now. See her in the real action ..........................

This is what she does everyday at home, practising and keep sharpening her walking skill. Hahahaahaahahh!!!!

Funny ya ! Like mentioned earlier, only 3 hours learning of walking, she can now walking by her own liao. Feel so happy and glad to see her this great improvement.

Bravo, Jacquelyn !!!! Mummy Daddy love you very very much !!!!

This is the video took on 11.01.2011, a memorable day for a memorable moment.

Cheers, Jacquelyn Wong Jia Qi !!!!

Remarks : Got to say sorry to all this blog's fans as Baby Jacq's mummy hasn't find out how to make the video landscaped, as such, please turn your computer or laptop to see this cutie in action lah ! Hahahahahahaa............... sorry !!!!

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