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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jumping Mat Get Jacquelyn Mad !!!

This little one loves Jumping Mat so much. Didn't really know that she can really jump so high until she is on the mat.

Our Seremban House newly bought a jumping mat and asked us back to let Jacquelyn to try and play on it. My god ! She really loves it so much !

It's a good exercise for her too. The more she jumps, the taller she grows...............

At her home sweet home, she always jump on her bed, and now she is in real action !!!

You think she wants someone to jump with her, nope ! She prefers to jump by herself !

Anyone stand on the jumping mat, she will push her down one. She wants to jump alone only !

See, she is testing on it !!!!

Jump until the belt also come out.

Jump until the hair become so messy and sweat a lot !!! Good for her !!!

Finished jumping, now it's time to test her arm power.

Aiya, too tired lah, after a long jumping time, I want to take some rest first.

Hey, no woh ! I still have the pomelo waiting for me ya ! Yeah ! Pomelo !!!! I am coming !!!!

See, such a big fruit ! It's actually not pomelo, it's a kind of special fruit named San Zha Guo. Mummy doesn't know the name in English.

I can carry one, and now the next one.

No more, finished caring two big fruits, so tired !!!!

Again, who brought it back again to the same place ? Ahh !!! I got to carry it again.

Wow ! Real tired lah !!!! Need water and rest now.

Cannot, cannot, I am too exhausted !!!

Better take a sit and rest for a while.

Ok then, I go into the house and do my reading on the wall chart. Bye everyone for now !!!!

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