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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Am At The Playground

Hi, everyone ! Real long time no see since October 2011. I am big girl now ! I am TWO years old liao loh !!!

Two years old, still like " Tau Geh Soh " !!!

But I become braver and braver nowsaday, I dare to try out many news things now. Like this swing, previously, I only like to push and stand behind it, never sit on it, but now I enjoy the swing. Hahahhaha................

My " signature " act loh !!! Point !!!

Mosquito bite me so itchy !!! I know how to bit mosquito, piak !!!

Now I am getting bigger and bigger, my character have been shown so strongly. I know what I want exactly and I know what I dislike.

I have my own preference now and I have my own opinion now.

For things that I don't like, I will say " No No No !!! "

For things that I love, I will knock my head. I know everything now but just that I don't want to speak out yet only.

I have a mixture of my mummy and daddy's characters. Sometime I follow mummy's style but sometimes I prefer daddy's one.

At my age now, I like to have companion, I love to play with someone else rather than myself alone. I feel so happy when I have Brayden to play along, or even Olivia, and I love to play with Vjinn and Ling Ling Biao Jeh too.

But my beloved playmate still my mummy, daddy and my Akuma !!! Hahahahhaaa......................

I drink water everyday but not as much as earlier. I love other sweet sweet drinks such as Apple Juice, Mango Juice, Watermelon Juice, and I even love Vitagen, Yakult my favourite. Hmmmm.............. yum yum !!!

Yesterday I went for my last injection of this stage ( hahaahaaa, so good that till 6 years old, I will only need to take my next injection ). Wow ! A real scary experience that I have yesterday with my mummy and Uncle Doctor. Pah pah !!!

You see, I clap with my hands and at this face expression. Really so many different types of face expressions !!!

Yoh ! Check it out, man !!!

I picked up my walking skill very fast and my verbal skill, I would like to hold on to it for this moment. I only want to call my beloved persons in my life at this moment.

Can you believed ? My first word is " Ma ma !!! " and my second word in my life is .....................................................

" D.U.C.K. " - Duck !!! Yes, my second word is Duck, not my daddy but my beloved showermate, my duckie friend. My daddy was so sad to know this, haahahhaahhaa. but very fast lah, I called " Pa pa " and make him smile !!!

Mummy always said, the most sweetiest word in this world is none other than " Mama " and " Papa ". Everytime I said these words, my mummy and daddy sure have big big smiling and happy face !!!!

Being a home lover, I love my family so much ! So besides " Mama " and " Papa " + my " DUCK ", I know how to say " BABY ". Because I am a BABY, so I know how to say " BABY " loh !!!

" Mama " + " Papa " + " BABY " = FAMILY !!!

We are a FAMILY, we are a HAPPY Family !!!

Magic English teach me " FAMILY " and I love my FAMILY !!!!

I have so much to talk to my Papa and Mama, but till one day, I will tell them verbally that " I Love You, Papa and Mama ". For now, I show my love to them by action, by hugging them, by kissing them, by sayang them !!!

I am Jacquelyn, the pretty girl !!!!

Happy New Year !!!

And, see you again soon !!!!

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