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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Photos At Dinners

On 27/02/2010, we brought our little one to a birthday celebration dinner at Klang.

See, the Daddy is smiling happily with the cute cute Jacquelyn on him. But baby Jacq seems so tired. Are you tired or bored, baby ?

What are you looking for, Jacquelyn ? The camera is here.........................

The full family members photo - Hahahahahhaaa................ very rare we got the chances to take photo for 3 of us .....................

On 13/03/2010, we brought our cute cute little one to another birthday celebration dinner in Seremban.

Baby Jacq, why you always not looking at the camera one ?

The Happy Family Photo again .......................

Mei, you sleep liao or why your eyes look down one ?

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