Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mei Mei De Jacquelyn

The previous posted photos are for keeping memory purpose, mummy is not really ready and daddy goes to post up in his facebook, now mummy quick quick posted more beautiful photos of Baby Jacquelyn for all the friends and fans to see ............................

Hahahahahhaa......................... the pretty Jacquelyn must be pretty one.........................

See, what a sweet nice girl !!!!

This one is also sweet mah ................... just plus a little bit blur blur look only....................

She missed her musical phone toy........................ wei, whose leg is that ????

Hey, big leg, why you keep kicking Jacquelyn ???

Oh ! It's Brayden, both looking at the same book ..............................

Do they look alike ? What say you ?

Jacquelyn is in her music school, waiting for daddy come to fetch us.....................

For your information, today is 7th January 2011, since two days ago, out of sudden, really out of very sudden, in 3 hours time, Jacquelyn pick up walking skill and suddenly, she can walks liao. It's so funny, she can walk by just learning walking for about 3 hours, so cute !!! I felt so happy and glad to see her reached another stage in her life.

With this great improvement in her learning stage, she is now preferred to walk rather than crawl. Of course, with only learning walking for 2 days, she walks very slow and if she wants to reach something quickly, she crawls. Smart girl !!!!

So, very soon, this picture will become a history already loh !!!

See, the sweet girl is laying on mummy's arm to drink her milk milk while we were at shopping.

This is her usual habit where she loves to bite her milk bottle nipple after she finished drinking her milk, until mummy said : " Please give the bottle to mummy ", then only she will stop doing this. Hhahahahahahh! This funny girl !!!!
Alright, for this moment, these are the photos and keep an eye on this blog and soon, there will be more and more photos to be posted up.
Happy New Year 2011 to everyone !!!!

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