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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Putrajaya Trip With Relatives From China Mainland

This year Qing Ming is a special " celebration " for us because we have relatives from China mainland to come to celebrate this festive season together.

As such, we have chance to be their host to bring them around KL to see some tourist destinations and it's also a good opportunity for our little one to visit those places. Hhaahahhahhahaaa..............................

Ha ! This is actually the first time we wear the family T-shirt leh !!!

See, the three " sah sah de ren " sitting under the hot sun with the same t-shirts ! Hahahhahahahaa...................

Jacq, what are you doing at this holy place ????? You know you can't wear this sexy dress in the mosque, and now somemore you want to do this act arr ?????

All females have to wear the Baju to cover their body in order to enter the Mosque hall.

See the different mummy, so weird in this Baju ................................

Jacquelyn walking around the hall and go around in this place freely.....................

This cousin sister really take very good care of the little Jacquelyn.............................

It's actually a very tiring long day for all of us, Putrajaya, KLCC, Mid Valley, Istana Negara, shop, shop, walk walk, see see..................................................................

Aiyo, why your face like this ????

Mei mei, why you pull daddy's shirt ????

Istana Negara, think it's the first time for daddy to stop and really take a look at the Palace too

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