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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some Old Photos Of Mei Mei - Part 2

Happy daddy, happy girl !!!

Now our girl is already 20 months, it's quite difficult to hold her like this, coz she is so strong and don't want people to hold her anymore

It's also very difficult to snap good happy face photos of her nowsaday coz she moves too fast and all laughing face photos are blur................... coz the camera can't act as fast as she can

These photos were taken in February 2011

And now this skirt is too short for her

Happy playing time together.........................

Daddy is so happy and so to Mei Mei

This Mickey Mouse balloon is bought by Ah Pak, the Pak Gong of Mei Mei

Girl cannot sleep like this lah.............................pengsan !!!

Pretty Biao Jie pretty Mei Mei

Please don't lock me, I want to come out ..............................

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