Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby Jacq's Birthday Party Photos

Some photos of our beloved baby Jacquelyn for memory purpose.........................

Clearer picture from another camera........................

See, the cute cute face of Jacq's cousin brother and sister....................

These are all her 4 cousins, another one is coming, on the way ......................

This uncle clown is really entertaining .........................

Out of 4 brothers from Choong's family, only 2 attended our function coz one has other wedding dinner to attend on the same day and another got to work at night, real long time has no chance to have a real good chat with them liao...................... missing all those old old days ................

Hello, cuties............................. so hardworking, Ling Ling even bring her notebook to the party to write her note..................... wow ! Good girl !!!!

From left : My brother in law - Dickson Tan ( The Insurance Man ), Wah Chai and Andy Choong. All came without bringing wife and kids.........................

This is my younger sister - Nicia on the left and my pretty older sister - Venice Lim who just came back from her Spain trip which on in ' live ' in Astro 334 Channel of her trip.

Clearer shoot, do they look alike ? Got sister look or not ?

My sister and my family............................See my mother in law, the blouse that she weared is a gift from me, after so many years of try and error, finally got one blouse that she is willing to wear on, huh !!!!

Orange, pink, red colour, all party wonderful colours !!!

My dad, my brother in law, my sister and my beloved Birthday girl !!!!

You know, this camera is my sister's camera, so sure got a lot of her faces loh ..................

Jacquelyn looks so serious in this photo, what happen arr ???? So shock one !!!! Hahhahaaha...........

Wow ! Two big round round face, like mother like daughter !!!! Hahahahahaa. It's so funny, all the family members from my family side said this little cute cute Jacquelyn looks like daddy, but all my hubby's family side said the other way round. What say you ????

Lim's family look, all big big face, round round face one ................... hahahahhaha.................

Da Yee, why you take all the not nice photo of me one, take some good one mah .....................

Opppsss.......................... da yee took this before the sky gets dark, clearer look ! But how come da yee knows this box but she didn't write something for me one ??? Why arr ? Da Yee !!!!

The buffet line.......................................

Another shot.......................

This board is now placed in the middle of our living hall liao loh !!!! Mummu can know print a lot of nice nice cute cute photos of Baby Jacq to be placed on it !!! And change it from time to time ..................... Sooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooood !!!!

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