Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 7, 2010

See Baby JACQ's New "Nu Ren" Look

Hello, everyone !!! I am now ONE YEAR OLD liao loh !!!!

Getting old liao loh !!!! You see me, see my new look after the birthday...................... so ' nu ren yang ' ( ladylike look ) leh !!!

Pretty mah ???? Do you like my new look ? If yes, let me know by leaving a " YES " in the comment area.

Eventhough I look more mature than earlier, but I am still little girl lah, I am still the little Princess, opppsss................ it should be the PRETTY CUTE CUTE LITTLE PRINCESS lah !!! So, I am still baby, I still like to play boring games like rolling the canned drink. Hahahhahahahaha.........................

I think with my age catching up, the restaurant waiter goh goh think I can now understand the menu without any photos and pictures. So he ask me to choose what I want to eat from this all wordings menu woh !!!!

I really like my this new trendy ladylike look. How about you ?

Now I know I will look much more prettier with long hair. So my wish today is to wish that my hair will grow faster and longer, I want to tight my hair nice nice like this everyday.

Somemore want to dye colour and look so ' in ' and trendy.

Tell you secretly, I wear this sexy dress with my long colour hair, many people on the street look at me and said : " Wow ! So cute and pretty ! " I like the feeling so much !!! So, I want my hair grow fast fast and I want to dye colour too, mummy.
You know what I am playing with ? The ice cube !!!! This is one of my favourite ' games ' in restaurant while waiting for the food to be served.

I look like so ' xian ' oh ....................... ya loh, so slow the service, ask them to bring me more ice cube, but I waited for so long liao, still not coming yet.

Ah ! No ice cube ah, mummy, I cannot sit down properly already, I am about to climb up to the table liao. Then my ladylike image will spoilt liao loh !!! Mummy, you better ask them to bring me the ice cube fast fast, otherwise, pai seh lah !!!

Ok, luckily, the ice cube came on time, otherwise, I tell you, I sure climb up to the table one .............. nowsaday, I cannot sit down diam diam anymore, because I am learning walking now, I want to explore the world, I want to explore everywhere and every corner in everywhere. I don't even like my walker and I don't like people holding me anymore, I want to crawl and walk by myself. I can do it !!!

Mummy said : " Think it's time to send this little one to table manner class already. "
Daddy said : " Think better quick quick eat and go home, otherwise, she cannot tahan liao ! Want to climb up to the table liao !!! "

Hello, daddy and mummy, I am not that horrible lah !!! I am still so ' guai ' and sit down here diam diam mah, where got climb here and there. Don't simply blame me ya !!!!

Eventhough my face shows impatient look, but I still trying to hold my ' climbing ' and " crawling " urge mah .......................

I tell you all one more time loud loud : " I am ok, and I am still sitting down guai guai, ok ????? "
( Wow ! Look like you are about to bang the table liao loh !!! )

Look at my eyes, look at my eyes, I am really holding up my breathe and try to tahan, you all please quick quick eat before I lost my control.

Ah ha !!! Now come a cup of drink, to cool me down !!! Good, right timing !!! I like it !!!

Ok then, I have something new to play with, ok lah, you all take your own sweet time to eat lah, with this, can tahan me for another 10 or 15 minutes lah.
See my hand, got a black dot ya, guess what is it ???? Of course not my mummy bit me lah, it's mosquito bite lah. Make me look not pretty oh !!!!

You see my finger, you see my leg, you see my mouth, you see my face expression, can you guess what's next ?????

A cute cute round round big eyes look lah !!! What else ???? What you guess ???? You think I am really going to climb up meh ???? Come on lah ! I am a girl, daddy always said, he wants me to be a ladylike girl, how can I climb up to the table in a restaurant ???? Come on lah !!!! You really trust my mummy ............................ hahahhahhahaahahaha........................

Hey, not from this ankel, I don't look beautiful from this side. Sensor sensor !!!!

This shoot also not good, all these don't post up to the blog mah, spoilt my image lah !!!!
Only nice pretty beautiful photos can be uploaded to the blog, not the ugly one........................
Anyway, it's still me lah !!!
It's still the pretty forever beautiful and young Jacquelyn Wong Jia Qi !!!!

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