Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday 2011 - Photo 03

Wai Poh and Wai Gong

Hui Yee and her two Bao Bei !!!

Billy Choong and his lovely wife !!!!

Daddy, Ah Mou and JS !!!

Our Aunty from Seremban !!!

Poh Poh and Shu Shu !!!

Wah Chai and his pretty wife !!!!

Mummy's uncle and aunt !!!

Gu Gu and Han Kai from Ipoh, Shi Yee Biao Jie from Seremban, Shu Shu and Xuan Xuan Tang Ge from KL

Relatives from Daddy's side

Relatives from Mummy's side !

Andy Choong - The Best Sales Person !!!!

Children all queieng up to received Goodie Bags from Mickey and Minnie Mouse !!!

Ray Wong and his girlfriend !!! Our official camera man for the party, hahahhaaa, thank you so much for all the lovely photos !!!

Minnie Mouse and Akuma's half face !!!!

Singing Birthday Song moment !!!!

Angry Bird Cake + Mickey + Minnie + Birthday Song = A Happy Moment !!!

Akuma is the one who take the Birthday Cake out together with Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Comparing your shadow with Mickey ????

Suddenly when Mickey and Minnie come out, the situation becomes a bit uncontrolled. Too many fans !!!!

The Handsome Akuma and Pretty Wai Poh !!!!

Happy Friends from Disneyland !!!!

See the surprise face expression of all the kids !!!!

Mummy's two pretty sisters and friend and nephew !!!!

Haidi - Jacquelyn's playgroup's friend !!!

Sunnia and Haidi !!!!

Haidi is from Australia !!!

Sunnia is from Pakistan !!!!

They are both good friends and neighbour !!!!

Haidi is half year older than our beloved Birthday Girl !!!

The handsome boy on the swing !!!

Brayden and Xin Yi !!!

Sunnia and Mia !!!!

Mia is Haidi's sister !!!

San Yee Zhang and Dexter !!!!

Joey - Music Class friends !!!!

Xuan Xi also from Music Class !!!

What happen, Haidi ??? Why crying so loud ???

She is so photogenic and she is good at posting in front of camera !!! Potential model to be !!!

Adrian, younger than Jacquelyn and is friend from Music Class !!!

Brayden flying in the air !!!!

Good post !!!!

My lovely sister from Port Dickson !!!!

And her lovely youngest boy - Mun Loke Baby !!!!

Mia and her mummy - Kari from Australia !!!!

Mummy's good Gu Poh and Aunt + Mum and Eldest Sister !!!

This is another pretty " Young " Lady after my mum, seventy plus years old, still look so beautiful and young !!!

The pretty Haidi !!!

And the shy shy Sunnia !!!

Plus the Good Boy Adrian !!!!

And the weird face expression Brayden !!!

The Guai Guai Ye Mun Loke !!!!

Cousin Brother - Brayden Wong !!! 4 months younger than Jacquelyn and was always bullied by Jacquelyn !!! Hahhahahahaa........................

This is the " Quan Ga Fook " ( Whole Family ) photo of Daddy's relatives !!!!

Some came from Ipoh, some came from Seremban to attend our party !!!!

So good !!!

Mia - the very chubby and cute little one !!!!

You see the hand, so so so ' geram ' !!!

Wai Poh and Brayden !!!! Wai Poh now has 8 grandchildren already !!!!

Mummy's handsome uncle from Puchong !!!!

Raymond and Ah Song !!!!

Aunt and Ah Tin !!!!

Happy moment !!!

Wai Gong and Aunty Zhi Hua !!!

Kari - the mummy of Haidi and Mia !!!!

This is the mummy of Sunnia !!!

Akuma loves kids and he is a very potential babysitter !!!!

Wow ! Everybody so busy eating the delicious food, only Chun Jie looking at the camera !!!!

The buffet line - a very special Breakfast menu for kids and adults !!!! Malaysian and western style !!!!

Mother and Ah Mou is talking while eating.

Some of the guests we didn't have their photos such as Sze Teng's grandparents, only managed to see them from this photo, but only backside. Grace Chong's face was also not in the photo too, next time must remind the photographer to take photo with everyone !!!!

Jun Jun Biao Ge !!!

Ah Mei Ah Yee !!!!

Poh Poh and Xuan Xuan Tang Ge !!!!!

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