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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nice Photo Of Our Little Princess

There is a say, children always looks pretty at anytime, anywhere and any moment, at least to the parent. What say you ?

At age of 2 years 4 months, she knows how to put all the different face expressions to her face, the weird one, the happy one, the excited one, the crying one, the sad one, the get sympathy one and many many more........................

And all these photos are just so natural, too natural until the parents say : " Our girl is really really beautiful !!! "

Now I know, the effect from an expensive professional camera is totally different from the normal automatic camera. See, no matter how many photos we took from our camera, we have never see such a beautiful photo of our beloved one, and this is just so nice !!!

Every moment, very second, every expression, is so special and so gorgeous !!!

The whole family !!!!

All the cousins together !!!!

Yeah ! See, still got post one leh !!!! Hahahhahaaa.....................

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