Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Hairstyle - No More Beckham

Dang dand dang dang !!!!

Now I would like to present to you, my another new look for the night time !!!!!

My front hair is longer now and can tight it up, so I will do a lot of different hairstyle and see which suit me more !
Let me introduce to you my new hairstyle - " The Coconut Tree " Hairstyle !!!! Hahahhahahaa......................
It's so simple but yet I look so pretty and attractive, don't you agree ????

Sorry to everyone who read this blog because the arrangement of the photos are a bit messy this time. Left and right, here and there, pieces and pieces, sorry !!!! Due to technical problem.................. haahhahahhhaha....................
I think my big teeth on my left and right is growing fast now after my up and down front teeth, cause it's so itchy and everytime when I drink water or drink my milk, I like to bite my bottle nipper. Pull in and out, tear here and there................... so mummy and daddy is so smart, soon with my sharp teeth and good biting skills and excellent throwing skill, soon the nipper and bottle will spoilt, they have already standby with new set of bottles and nippers, just in case.................. hahahahahaahah !!!

And you know, one of my new set of bottles is very very nice, it's my favourite cartoon and toy, you can him in this picture too. He is big, he is purple in colour, and he is Barney !!!! Yes, my new bottle is a Barney's bottle. Very nice and cute. So I got to practise more my biting skill in order to have my new set to replace as soon as possible.

My coconut tree is very straight up ya !!!! Although my hair is so long now, but it still can stand and I still can have my beckham's hairstyle, just that mummy says I look more attractive now with my coconut tree. What say you ???

This is my pyjamas, I am about to sleep now. Speaking about my sleeping habit, yeah ! If sleeping can take photos, I sure will share with you my sleeping photos caused it will definitely become very valuable after I grown up. I have thousand types of sleeping styles. Share with you some classic one, I like to open my hands and legs big big and sleep in a " BIG " word style, I like to put my foot on my daddy's face, I love to kick my mummy to the floor from the bed, I like to hold my daddy's leg to sleep, I love to play with my daddy's leg hairs, I must pull my mummy's hair before I fall asleep, I love to roll left and right before I go to my dreamland, I love to kick my daddy till the edge of the bed in the middle of the night. I have tons and tons of sleeping story to share.................................

Fair skin, round face, do you think I look more alike to my daddy or my mummy ? Give me some feedback by leaving a comment in this picture lah. Thanks for your voting in advance.

Another " sa sa " look of me !!!!

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