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Monday, July 11, 2011

Playground Happy Time With Daddy

The Big Daddy also like kid, want to play the slide with Mei Mei.

See the very happy face of Jacquelyn with her daddy !!!

Yes, ME !!! I am the one who pray for no rain today coz I want to play more time. Please, God, please rain later at night time only, ok ???? See, my sincere praying face and hands gesture.

Wow ! The very cool and fierce look of Jacquelyn !!!

Cat walk, dancing, running ..................................

Exercise and sweating is very important for children, and it's very good for the daddy too. hahhahahahahahaaa............................

Without our little one, this daddy will never get sweat, but with this little princess, recently, daddy has more chances to do exercise liao. Good, good change !!!!

See the Jacq is really enjoying playing the slide with her daddy !!!! Big big smiling happy face !!!

Where is the mummy then ????? Holding camera loh !!!

Picking up leaf is her favourite action. She loves to pick up leaves and pass it to mummy.

Not only that, Jacquelyn also has a good habit where she can't stand dirty. Everytime she sees rubbish on the floor, she will sure pick it up and pass it to us. See, she is pointing on the rubbish in the park and her next action is : To Pick It Up !!!! Good good, please keep this good habit.

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