Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some Old Photos To Share

One day, when my mummy was free, she traced back all her old records of my photos and here you go, she posted some old photos for my memory. Mummy says : " Just upload it to baby Jacq's blog loh, for her reference and memory mah ! The more the better ! "

So, enjoy seeing the " old old me " or the " small small me " !!!! Hahahahahhaa...................

Wow ! These two photos really look " old " loh, ha ! The colour looks like grandmother's old time photos....................... But I like it................. thanks, mummy !!!!

Hmmm....................... I think this was when I was about 5 months plus or 6 months old ...........
All these nice blouses and skirts, I can't wear it anymore, can't fit anymore. Mummy keeps all these into the cupboard liao !!!

I like this " Navy " uniform blouse, I look so sweet in this blouse !!!!

Blue colour is my colour too !!!!

Ha ha ha ! I am a happy happy " xin fu " baby girl !!!!

Let me introduce to you ! This is my first and ever solid food, it taste yummy yummy !!! Hmmmm....................... real taste good, I like it !!!

Big big mouth, big big smile, big big laugh !!!!

Happy happy happy Jacquelyn !!!

Orange also my colour, a lot of people says I look so pretty in this orange colour skirt, it was chosen by my daddy leh. He bought it together with me and my mummy at Tropicana Shopping Centre.

Nice skirt, nice baby, pretty photo!!!

Good mood, big laughing !!!

Fair skin, cute baby !!!

Sweet smile, perfect face complexion !!!

Nice tongue, big smile, happy girl !!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baby Jacq Gave Mummy A Special Birthday Present

29.06.2010, a very special day to my mummy, because today is her birthday !

I love my mummy very much ! But I am so naughty, because I gave her a very real big birthday present at 11.10pm, just right before the end of her birthday.

Guess what ???? Like other little baby, I just pick up the rolling over skill, I like to roll over from one corner to another, from this edge to the other, no matter how many times my mummy and daddy told me : " Dear, it's dangerous ! Please don't roll to the edge, coz you might fall down ! " But I just don't care ! Coz it's so fun, to roll here and there ! I like it and I enjoy it very very much !

So, I roll, roll, and roll over and over again. When I saw my mummy is getting ready to her bath and just right after she went into the bathroom, I roll over quickly, don't let her see me rolling over and over. Hahahhaaahhaah ! It is real fun and so happy.

Suddenly, " Bam !!!! " A big sound, follow with a loud crying voice, I fall down from the bed, my mummy quickly ran out from the bathroom, keep shouting for daddy and hold me up from the floor ! I cry, and cry and cry !!! Mummy also cry liao !

See, how naughty am I, at seven months 3 weeks old, I gave mummy an unforgettable birthday present !!!!

Luckily mummy take very good care of me in normal day and keep me strong enough to face all these challenges. I am fine now !!!

This is the ME - Jacquelyn Wong loh !!!! Hahahahhahhahaa................................

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fashion Show Time

I am the baby girl from Saudi Arab ! But I have a really nice and pretty face complexion !!!

Hmmmm........................... I look like boy in this picture, maybe because of the cap !!!

I still prefer my this Arabian style look !!!!

Wow ! My secret admirer sent me a bunch of nice flower !!!

This is my normal look, not fashion show look !!!

Whose hand is that ????

I look different with hat and without ya ???? Which one prettier ???

Aiyo ! So headache, I am so young already got secret admirer !!!! Aiyo ................

It looks like I am at a very cool place or winter country oh !
I still wondering who is the person who sent me this flower ?
Aiya, so tired already lah ! Don't want to think anymore.................... Better go to sleep !
Mummy, I want to sleep liao !!!
I like to play bubble !!!

Really angry liao lah ! Please take off the shore and I want my orange !!!

Cap and orange ! Orange and Cap ! With cap, without cap !!!! I look so sportive in this photo ya ! Like basketball player !!! Hahahahahhaa.............

This is the original me !!!