Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fashion Show Time

I am the baby girl from Saudi Arab ! But I have a really nice and pretty face complexion !!!

Hmmmm........................... I look like boy in this picture, maybe because of the cap !!!

I still prefer my this Arabian style look !!!!

Wow ! My secret admirer sent me a bunch of nice flower !!!

This is my normal look, not fashion show look !!!

Whose hand is that ????

I look different with hat and without ya ???? Which one prettier ???

Aiyo ! So headache, I am so young already got secret admirer !!!! Aiyo ................

It looks like I am at a very cool place or winter country oh !
I still wondering who is the person who sent me this flower ?
Aiya, so tired already lah ! Don't want to think anymore.................... Better go to sleep !
Mummy, I want to sleep liao !!!
I like to play bubble !!!

Really angry liao lah ! Please take off the shore and I want my orange !!!

Cap and orange ! Orange and Cap ! With cap, without cap !!!! I look so sportive in this photo ya ! Like basketball player !!! Hahahahahhaa.............

This is the original me !!!

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