Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Like To Lick My Toes Now

I am wondering ................................ I am laughing .......................

See my tongue ...............................

I am a very very happy girl !!!!

Mummy, I managed to roll over by myself now !!!! Hurray !!!! It's a big development for myself !!!

I try very hard to sit up by myself, but still not yet, I still need my mummy's help.............. later, later, give me a little more time ya !!!!

See, I enjoyed myself very much !!!!

Now, the things that I see are different again !!! Cause I can roll over now !!!

Pretty girl ! Beautiful Princess ! It's me, Jacquelyn Wong !!!!

I like to smile and laugh, loudly !!!!

Many people like my " Backhem " hairstyle !!!!

My teeth is growing now, but not yet come out !!! Soon, soon......................

Cute cute pretty baby !!!!

I like to play and interact with people around me, but I am now at " Stranger Anxiety " stage where I feel uncomfortable when seeing strangers approaching me ................

I will try to accept all the people who comes to me, I try ya !!!!

Give me sometime, be patient, I know I sure can overcome this soon !!!!

I feel so comfortable and happy when being with my mummy and daddy !!!!

Sometime I just don't understand why the adults act like that ??? So, I am wondering loh !!!!

I just wake up, no mood to talk and smile yet !!!!

I also look pretty in Green colour !!! Arent's you agree with me ?

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