Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some Old Photos To Share

One day, when my mummy was free, she traced back all her old records of my photos and here you go, she posted some old photos for my memory. Mummy says : " Just upload it to baby Jacq's blog loh, for her reference and memory mah ! The more the better ! "

So, enjoy seeing the " old old me " or the " small small me " !!!! Hahahahahhaa...................

Wow ! These two photos really look " old " loh, ha ! The colour looks like grandmother's old time photos....................... But I like it................. thanks, mummy !!!!

Hmmm....................... I think this was when I was about 5 months plus or 6 months old ...........
All these nice blouses and skirts, I can't wear it anymore, can't fit anymore. Mummy keeps all these into the cupboard liao !!!

I like this " Navy " uniform blouse, I look so sweet in this blouse !!!!

Blue colour is my colour too !!!!

Ha ha ha ! I am a happy happy " xin fu " baby girl !!!!

Let me introduce to you ! This is my first and ever solid food, it taste yummy yummy !!! Hmmmm....................... real taste good, I like it !!!

Big big mouth, big big smile, big big laugh !!!!

Happy happy happy Jacquelyn !!!

Orange also my colour, a lot of people says I look so pretty in this orange colour skirt, it was chosen by my daddy leh. He bought it together with me and my mummy at Tropicana Shopping Centre.

Nice skirt, nice baby, pretty photo!!!

Good mood, big laughing !!!

Fair skin, cute baby !!!

Sweet smile, perfect face complexion !!!

Nice tongue, big smile, happy girl !!!!

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