Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Nine-Month-Old Behaviour

Hello, I am nine-month-old now !

I am old enough now as I am having a younger cousin brother - Brayden and another one is coming on the way soon....................... so, I am old enough to be two cousins' jie jie !!!! Hahhaaahahahahhahaaa............................

The expert says : " A nine-month-old baby can seems like a mass of contradictions sometimes " Yes !!! My mummy fully agreed with this coz I behaved exactly like that !

This moment, I like my mummy so much ..................... and next moment, I only want my Barney or Moo Moo Cow Cow Cow !!!

See, when my mood is so so, my face is full of funny funny face expressions one .......................

Mummy, I am ready to grab your camera ....................... 1, 2, 3.................................

Ha ha ha, my mummy is clever than me, she don't want to let me hold her camera ....................

Hmmmmm.................... I don't think I look pretty from this angle shooting......................

Wow ! So happy.................. now my hands coordination is so good, I know how to play around with the things on my hands, and at nine month old, do you know what I like most ????

I like to lick my fingers ?

I like to fly in the aeroplane ???

I know how to act like a dinasour ??????

Oh no !!!! What your guess are all wrong !!!!

In fact, hmmmm.................... I like to play with my toes ?????

I like to scratch my head ????

No lah ! The answer is I like to throw every single things on my hand ...........................

I throw away my spoon, my bottle, my handkerchief, my book and etc .................

And, share with you, I have just throw and broke my plate ................. the plate that I used to eat my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.................. and now, hahahahahahahaa, I have a new bowl and plate loh !!!!

Ah ha !!! Now you know me better leh .................... This is the real me loh !!!! Hahahahahaahhahahahahhaa.......................................

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