Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Am Back !!!

Hello, how's everybody ???? Long time no see !!!

My mummy's handphone was malfunction earlier, so she doesn't have handphone to take photo for me, that's why stop posting for a while. Now I am back again !!!

Anyhow, these photos that you see now are all from the camera, not from handphone. My mummy loves me very much, eventhough no handphone, she still take the trouble to use her camera to snap for me. Soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooood !!!!

Me, still the " Beckham's " Hair Style !!! No change !

My sliver..................................

Mummy, I am watching TV lah, please don't disturb me,ok ?

My teeth is itchy !!!

I like my fingers, just like what KFC says : Like finger licking good !!!!

Mummy, you are blocking me leh !!!!

Just now, teeth itchy, now ears itchy !!!

This is my " jiu pai dong zhuo " ( favourite action ) lah, to touch my ears !!!!

And to lick my fingers, yummy yummy !!!!

Wow ! What so interesting there ?

See my face, I am about to get angry liao !

Oh, no lah ! I am still smiling mah .......................

And, happy face too !!!!

I am pretty ya !!!!

Come, let me introuduce you my friend - Barney, the Dinasour from our imagination !!!! Say " Hello " to my Barney !!!!

Aiyo, headache lah, so many photos loh.....................

See, see, I am really angry now !!! I want pao pao !!!!

Dino tail, I like my Dino tail !!!!
Scratching my head, now I have many hairs to scratch liao ! Hahahhaahaha..................

Oppsss...................... it's the living hall.............................

" Ms Bee " is on my head !!!

I am half way thinking of something ....................

Playing plastic is also fun and happy !!!!

I can hold it for long time and play with it - the plastic !!!

The serious look of me !!!!

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